Agriculture well water desalination systems

The desalination systems use reverse osmosis technology, as the most economically beneficial and useful to use well water for agriculture and horticulture.

The desalination systems, which B&P Water Technologies designed and manufactured, use the latest generation technologies. They are automated and simple to use. Our systems guarantee the best recovery and use of water, reducing waste to a minimum.

Our years of experience and our certifications in water treatment and drinkability has allowed us to offer the best solutions to develop systems for seawater and brackish water desalination. We propose well water desalination systems, in a “package”: customised solutions assembled for a “turnkey” service to meet the client's specific needs.

The characteristics of well water desalination systems

The desalination systems for brackish water are designed to process well water with a maximum salinity of 10000 ppm for a maximum flow rate per day of 5000 metres cubed of water.
Basically, they are composed of three sections:

  • filtration
  • disinfection equipped with an ultraviolet rays system for sterilisation
  • osmosis

We propose further systems for iron and magnesium elimination, for pH conditioning and softening of water.
Our proposal also concerns desalination systems powered by solar energy, as an excellent opportunity for agricultural development in critical areas, where the absence of drinking water prevents local economic growth.

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