B & P Water Technologies engineers water treatment and potabilization plants to meet customer specifications exactly.
If you're looking for water desalination companies in Europe to provide seawater or brackish water desalination plant and supplies, then B & P can work with you to engineer plant to meet your needs in full.
Seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants will produce drinking water from seawater with salinity of 55000ppm and have a capacity up to 5000 m3 per day.
B & P Water Technologies provide skid-mounted or containerised seawater desalination units to customer requirements. All units are fully assembled and tested by B & P Water Technologies prior to shipping out to customers. All customers need is to connect the seawater feed header, product water header, and brine outlet. The seawater desalination units provided are fully automated to reduce labour intensity and ensure continued smooth operation.
Where energy considerations are important factors, seawater desalination units can be fitted with energy recovery systems for greater efficiencies. Brackish reverse osmosis units are for treating ground waters and well waters with maximum salinity of 10000ppm and these units are all skid-mounted, as standard.
If customers require containerised brackish water desalination units, this will be an additional to the standard configuration. Brackish water desalination removes all unwanted materials from water and reduces salinity to reach industrial water grades suited to use within boilers or cooling towers. Customers can specify any additional requirements for engineering their brackish water desalination units to meet any particular commercial needs.